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Which option is the primary goal in business outcome-based selling?
A. improving agility and the ability to deploy innovative services for end users
B. developing and enabling new business processes, markets, and customer interactions
C. taking advantage of new technology to increase business relevance
D. using next-generation IT to increase service quality and reduce risk, complexity, and costs
Answer: B
Which three areas are covered by the Business Model Canvas in order to understand the customer’s business context? (Choose three.)
A. Customer Relationships
B. Development Plan
C. Value Proposition
D. Revenue Streams
E. Key Policies
F. Analysis
Answer: ACD
Which option describers Return on Investment (ROI)?
A. a percentage of dividing net return from a technology solution by the cost of that technologysolution
B. a percentage of dividing total investment from a technology solution by the costof that technology solution
C. a percentage of dividing net return from a technology solution by the margin of that technologysolution
D. a percentage of dividing present value from a technology solution by the cost of that technologysolution
Answer: A
Which option is a primary reason for using the Cisco Services Solution story with customers?
A. to provide a clear way to discuss services that all customers need
B. to raise awareness of Cisco Services relevancy to go beyond break/fix support
C. to enhance the sales experience for an account manager
D. to raise customer expectations of possible outcomes from larger IT investments
Answer: C
When selling business outcomes, which two key factors must be considered in relation to the achievement of the outcomes? (Choose two.)
A. metrics and measurement
B. project management milestones
C. specific timeframe and milestones
D. communication procedures
Answer: AC
Which resource can a sales person incorporate into the business outcome story?
A. Include a detailed business strategic plan
B. Describe the project definition.
C. Explain technology innovations.
D. Identify the customers’ care-abouts.
Answer: D
Which characteristic of the Cisco Internet of Everything has the most impact on business?
A. connecting people for measuring the usage trends of services
B. delivering the services to the right person at the right time
C. leveraging data into more useful information for decision making
D. having physical devices and objects connected to the internet
Answer: C
Drag and Drop Question
Drag and drop the financial benefits on the left to the direct and indirect spaces on the right.
Which is the main outstanding reason and justification for business outcome-based sales approach?
A. Organizations want more from their IT solutions which respect to value, time-to-market, and measurable outcomes.
B. Organizations want to improve the chain of value based on the cost of IT solutions they provide.
C. Organizations want to develop marketing and communicational strategies in order to sell more efficiently.
D. Organizations want to offer a renewed portfolio in order to increase share value.
Answer: A
Why are customer stakeholders important to the business outcome-based sales approach?
A. Because understandingthe concerns, interests, power, and influence of stakeholders enables successful stakeholder engagement.
B. Because stakeholders consists of partners who are either part of the organization or are external to the organization.
C. Because stakeholder strategy influence business needs and their involvement in a project to change them.
D. Because relevant and potential stakeholders exist across customers’ and sales professionals’ organizational and functional roles.
Answer: D
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